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Erin J's story

Erin J at a park

Erin is ready for a future in production arts.

A multitude of skills

Erin, 23 from Llantwit Major, tried several college courses before deciding to pursue a career as a film director.

Erin, who is in his second year of a Performing Arts Diploma at Bridgend, said, “I have been lucky to have tried different things in both college and work, and that I’ve been able to take my time in deciding on what I want to do.”

To help Erin get a head-start in his career alongside his course in college, his mother helped him contact Working Wales for some CV-related advice.

Erin said, “I initially reached out to Working Wales because I wanted to make my CV more appealing to employers, which they were really able to help with. Then they started to help me search for jobs that would get me started in my preferred industry.”

A footing in film

With help from Working Wales, Erin now works at his local Odeon cinema.

Erin said, “I love my job. I get to work across different departments such as foyer hosting and retail, and it goes hand in hand with my extended college diploma. I feel like it’s a great environment to be in to keep me immersed in film.”

Working Wales are now helping Erin apply for an apprenticeship role with the BBC, following the completion of his diploma.

“I feel so grateful to Working Wales. Thanks to their help, I am working in a role that keeps me up-to-date with the industry I want to work in, I am applying for a great apprenticeship, and I receive regular job bulletins from the service to keep me informed of more opportunities.

Working Wales have helped so much so far, it’s only logical that I continue to use their services where I can.”

If like Erin, you want to find your career path after leaving school, please contact us.


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