Kavan is turning his lifelong passion into a career.
Joining the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme
Kavan, from Aberdare, is keen to live out his career goal as a museum curator. He joined the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme on the Advancement strand and is studying Business Services.
Kavan explains: “I was told about Jobs Growth Wales+ by someone in school who said it was another route to learn. They explained that you’re treated more like an adult and that you also get paid. I felt really excited about it and wanted to apply.”
“It’s always been my life goal to work as a curator in a museum and I knew I needed to develop specific skills for this. I chose the Business Services course to learn more about how businesses work and how to run and own one successfully.”
Having proved his eagerness to learn and his passion for his future career, Kavan is now looking to gain first-hand experience in the industry.
“As well as studying Business Services, I’ve completed my English Level 2 and I’ve gained a deeper understanding of how to develop my communication skills in the ‘outside world’.
“I’ve also been lucky enough to attend a number of enrichment days, one where I met our local MP to discuss the cost of living, and another where we went on an away day to understand different areas of work. All these experiences will stick with me for the rest of my life.”
Overcoming obstacles
Despite his success, Kavan’s journey hasn’t been easy. Like many other young people, Kavan had to start his learning journey virtually and initially struggled to open up to others.
He says: “I was diagnosed with depression during the pandemic, and it was at the lowest point of my life. I found it hard to be myself in school and express my individuality, but since joining the programme, I have grown to feel confident enough to show my true self.
“I’m a much more outwardly open person now and I love being able to talk about my interests so freely.
“On the programme I’m always encouraged to do what I like, and my tutors are so kind and caring. They put a lot of effort and pride into what they do and how they make young people feel. I’ve also made lots of friends who I can turn to and talk to.”
Next steps
Kavan is now looking forward to the road ahead.
He says: “Every month I have a review with my tutors where we discuss my next steps. I’ve been looking to start some work experience in a museum in Aberdare and I’m keen to continue building upon my skills to land my dream job.
“I’m excited to find a part-time job to continue earning money. Being paid has given me the freedom to be independent. I love going on trips to the cinema with my sister and being able to afford art stuff to express myself.
“The programme has also helped to take the pressure off my parents. They like that I’m not just sitting in the house every day and that I’m doing something proactive with my life.
Overall, Jobs Growth Wales+ has definitely helped to turn my life around. It’s inspired me to follow my interests and to never give up on my goals.”

Need extra qualifications or support to take your next step? Get ahead with this Jobs Growth Wales+ strand.

Jobs Growth Wales+ is a training and development programme for 16-19 year olds that gives you the skills, qualifications and experience you need to get a job or further training.

See how real people around Wales have changed their story with Jobs Growth Wales+.