Careers guidance gave Finley the confidence to apply to his ideal course at university.
Finding his passion
After Finley finished school, he was working in his family’s fish and chip shop in Criccieth, north Wales.
He decided to take some time off and start travelling the world. He then decided to move to Canada in late 2023.
A few months passed but he did not feel at home because he was living too far away from the sea. He realised he had a strong connection with the sea and the sea wildlife.
In May 2024, Finley decided it was time for him to return back to Wales. He said: “I was struggling with the thought of returning to my old job. I felt uncertain about my next steps, and I felt trapped.”
Deciding on the next steps
Finley was determined to make a change. He said: “I thought I'd really like to go to university. I've always thought about it on the back of my mind, but I've never had that drive or confidence in myself to actually do that.”
Finley spoke to a friend studying marine and natural history photography in Cornwall. The course sounded perfect, but Finley hesitated if university was right for him.
His father encouraged him to get career guidance.
Guidance from Careers Wales
Finley met with Helen Roberts, a Working Wales careers adviser. He said: “I didn't think it was possible for me to go to the university because of my grades. I went to the appointment with an open mind, thinking at least I tried. But Helen was really amazing. She said that if I want to go to university, let's try and go to university, and let's not dismiss it immediately and take the easy route.”
Finley was immediately struck by her encouragement and belief in his potential.
Helen guided Finley through the university application process. She helped him understand entry requirements, meet deadlines, and stay on track. Their weekly sessions gave him motivation to pursue his dream.
Finley continued: “She was pushing me and making sure I was doing the things that I needed to do and I wasn’t getting distracted. I didn’t want to let her down by not doing the stuff that I needed to do.
“That confidence from someone who didn’t even know me was such a breath of fresh air. It was so nice. And that gave me the confidence in myself.”
University life
Thanks to the support he received, Finley secured a place at Falmouth University. He is now studying his second term of marine and natural history photography.
He admitted: “It’s hard work going back into education, especially being in a classroom with younger students.
“But it’s been so worth it. I’m finally studying something I love.”
Advice to others
Finley encourages others in similar situations to not be afraid to dream big.
Get support to explore your options.