Kieran has found a career he loves and is training to be a restaurant manager.
Turning to Jobs Growth Wales+
18-year-old Kieran from Llanfyrnach was eager to start working as soon as he left school. He was signposted to Jobs Growth Wales+ and he hasn’t looked back since.
Kieran explained: “I went to school and sat my A-levels, but I've always been interested in earning money from a young age.”
“I left education a little earlier than planned and went looking for hospitality work. That’s when I came across the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme and I liked the sound of learning while working. I started my role on the employment strand at Roadhouse Whitland Ltd. in January of this year.”
“Jobs Growth Wales+ is great because you can earn money and gain independence whilst you’re training for the future. It’s also helped to take the pressure off me so I can learn at my own pace.”
Working in Hospitality
Kieran was able to identify his strengths and align them with the traits needed to succeed in the hospitality industry.
Kieran said: “I chose the hospitality industry because I really enjoy working with people, so I thought it would be well suited to my personality.
“My favourite thing about working at Roadhouse and being on the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme is that I get to do a bit of everything. Some days I’ll be working behind the bar, other days I’ll be talking to customers, taking orders, and serving food.
“My job is really varied, and I’ve never felt stuck in one specific role. It’s also meant I’ve been able to receive hands-on experience in lots of different work scenarios.”
Growing in confidence
The range of responsibilities has helped Kieran develop professionally and personally.
“Being given the responsibility of cashing up the till and closing the building has been a new experience for me. Knowing that I’m trusted to take on those sorts of responsibilities gives me a lot of confidence in myself and encourages me to try my best.”
“Everyone here is really supportive, and we all have a great working relationship. It feels like I’ve been here for years already because of the relationships I’ve made.”
Next steps
Kieran is currently training to be a manager at Roadhouse restaurant.
When talking about his next steps he added: “I love working in the hospitality industry and I’m really enjoying progressing in my new role while earning a wage.
“I’m not completely sure where I’d like to be in five years’ time yet, but each day I’m learning something new about the industry and about myself which has been really beneficial!”
“Jobs Growth Wales+ has given me time to think about my future and make important decisions based on my experiences. I don’t feel rushed into anything like a lot of young people my age, instead I feel really lucky and can’t wait for what's in store.”

Need extra qualifications or support to take your next step? Get ahead with this Jobs Growth Wales+ strand.

Jobs Growth Wales+ is a training and development programme for 16-19 year olds that gives you the skills, qualifications and experience you need to get a job or further training.

See how real people around Wales have changed their story with Jobs Growth Wales+.