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Kim’s story


Careers support helped Kim settle into her new life in west Wales.

A big move

Kim and her family made the move to Pembrokeshire in 2022. They had originally planned for 57-year-old Kim to stay at home, but she soon realised she had other ambitions.

Kim explained: “I wanted to get out and about and interact with people more. I wanted something in the community that was interesting and had some autonomy.

“I realised quickly that I had no idea where to start.”

Seeking support

After calling her local job centre, Kim was put in touch with Careers Wales who booked her an appointment with a Working Wales careers adviser, Lara.

During several appointments, Lara helped Kim explore different jobs and courses as well as supporting her with her CV, applications, and interviews when they came along.

Kim said: “Lara helped me understand exactly what I was looking for. Moving away and being away from everyone I knew; it was nice to have someone friendly to go to. “Most of all, it gave me confidence.”

A new job for a new home

Following a conversation in her local shop, Kim found out about a vacancy at the community centre.

With newfound confidence and support from Lara, she applied and was successful.

Kim said: “I work on lots of different projects, and I feel recognised and valued. It is a charitable organisation so I feel like I’m giving something back.”

Advice to others

Kim would like to encourage others to seek support from Careers Wales: “It’s a big thing to change your circumstances and go back to work, whether that’s after moving or having children or any other situations.

“Support from someone like Lara can be incredible and make all the difference.

“I realise now that I hadn’t needed to worry. The ability and confidence were there, I just needed support to find it.”

If you would like to explore your interests and opportunities with a careers adviser, please contact us today.