Cez is building a career in the property industry and can’t wait to buy her own home.
Making a change
Cez, 17, from Flintshire, is on a mission to gain her independence and find a career she loves.
Her journey began when a family friend recommended the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme, and since then, she has secured a work placement enabling her to start earning again.
Supportive environment
Cez faced several highs and lows throughout her younger years but credits the support she received through the programme for helping her find her career path.
She said: “Before joining Jobs Growth Wales+, I felt uncertain about my next steps. I struggled in school and worked in hospitality initially, but the type of work I was doing didn’t fulfil me. I’d find myself frustrated and struggling to concentrate – lots of people didn’t understand the type of support I needed.
“Jobs Growth Wales+ has been different. It’s helped me to improve my focus, patience, and control my anger, and provided me with a supportive environment to thrive. The training centre even had a ‘quiet room’ that I could go into when I could feel myself getting frustrated.”
Types of support
In addition to navigating her hyperactivity, Cez invested a lot of time in exploring different career paths and improving her employability skills while on the programme.
Cez continued: “I learnt about how to apply for a job and the best things to include on your CV. My tutors took time to chat to me about different industries, and offered new ways of learning which massively benefited me.
“The main difference that I noticed while on Jobs Growth Wales+ is that I was treated as a young adult and encouraged to make my own decisions in a thought-out and productive way. It’s given me a sense of independence and security.”
New job opportunity
Following the career advice and support she received, her Jobs Growth Wales+ tutors set up an interview for Cez to apply for a work placement at a local estate agency.
Cez's role at New Roots Properties included helping her boss with administrative tasks, updating the website’s online housing portal, and communicating with buyers and sellers.
Cez said: “I really enjoyed my work placement at New Roots Properties. It was a great environment to learn in and everyone was supportive and attentive. My favourite part of the role was that it was so varied. I also really enjoyed being brought along to a lot of viewings because it gave me a chance to interact with customers in a real-life setting.”
What’s next?
Looking ahead, Cez is keen to secure a full-time role in the property industry and is continuing to apply for new opportunities through support from Jobs Growth Wales+.
Cez said: “I’ve matured a lot since finishing school and my most recent placement has reinforced that the property industry is the route I’d like to go down. I want to be successful and can’t wait to start saving for my own place and learning how to drive.
Jobs Growth Wales+ helped to bring out the best in me and I’m excited for what the future holds.”
More information

Jobs Growth Wales+ is a training and development programme for 16-19 year olds that gives you the skills, qualifications and experience you need to get a job or further training.

Not sure what career path you want to follow? This strand of Jobs Growth Wales+ will help you decide.

Need extra qualifications or support to take your next step? Get ahead with this Jobs Growth Wales+ strand.