Paige Sullivan-Weedon, Planet Gymnastics
Paige left school part way through her A levels. She knew she wanted to work in childcare, but she didn’t have the experience to apply for an apprenticeship and get the training she needed. She received help to secure a work experience placement which led to an apprenticeship, so now she’s continuing to develop the skills she needs for her future career whilst earning.
Find out about the different ways to get in touch

Find out how to get experience through volunteering, work experience and internships.

Earn a wage while you work and gain recognised qualifications and job-specific skills.

Help with writing a CV, covering letters, interview techniques, finding jobs and more.
Read more real life stories

Getting careers advice helped Eve to progress into work…

Receiving redundancy support opened new doors for David…

The right training led to full time work for Sara…

Advice on getting into a job led to permanent work for Rhys…

Childcare support and a business start up grant led to self-employment for Chanelle…
Search for programmes that can help you improve your skills and work opportunities