Careers guidance helped Beverley move forward after retirement.
A change of direction after retirement
Beverley worked for the Welsh Government for many years. She helped set up and run a helpline to guide people through the health concerns system and support the vulnerable.
Beverly took early retirement in June 2019.
“It was the right time for me to retire. I was keen to learn new skills and wanted to carry on helping people in some way. I genuinely enjoy helping others.
“I liked the idea of getting involved in counselling but needed guidance on where to start."
Working Wales - right time, right place
To raise awareness of the new Working Wales service, Careers Wales ran a series of high-profile roadshows in towns and cities across Wales. Beverley was able to access one of these roadshows and get the support she needed just at the right time.
“I was walking through my local town centre shortly after my retirement. I was made aware of the new Working Wales service and it sounded like it could really help me. The timing was perfect. I had an informal guidance session right there and then and I was able to book a follow up session in my local Careers Wales centre.
“I found both guidance sessions really helpful. Wendy, the careers adviser quickly understood my needs, wrote a plan and gave me a list of courses and volunteering organisations to contact."
Starting a new chapter
With support from Working Wales, Beverley enrolled onto several courses. This included mindfulness training which enhanced Beverley’s listening skills. She has already been able to put this training to use.
“I’ve recently started volunteering with the Macular Society, a condition that affects eyesight. I volunteer as a befriender and help anyone who may be feeling. vulnerable and lonely. This is especially important during the current pandemic where people are feeling less connected than usual.
“I have found volunteering to be extremely rewarding. Building new relationships and helping someone else also has a positive impact on my own mental wellbeing.
“Volunteering is good for the soul and I would highly recommend it."
If you’ve been inspired by Beverley’s story and would like to find out about options after retirement or similarly how to get into volunteering call Working Wales on 0800 028 4844.

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