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Nia F's story

Nia against a plain background smiling at the camera in a selfie

Nia plans to complete her A-levels at college then travel before university.

This summer, 16-year-old Nia from Abertillery will collect her GCSE results.

She plans to study history, psychology, criminology, and government and politics at Coleg Gwent Crosskeys.

Nia said: “Staying in education seemed like a straightforward decision for me. I’ve always loved learning new things in school.

“I loved history, especially Welsh history. I felt a closer connection to my family heritage and what my ancestors experienced.”

Plans for a gap year

After college, Nia wants to take a year out and travel around Asia before heading to university.

Inspired at local careers fair

Nia went to a Working Wales careers fair in her local area.

She added: “I had a rough idea about what I wanted to do when I was older. After the careers fair, I felt very inspired about my future.

“Seeing companies from a range of industries opened my eyes to the wider world. I realised there are many career paths out there for me after I’ve finished studying.”

“You have options”

Nia is feeling positive as results day approaches. Her advice to other young people expecting results is to not panic.

“What has been done, is done. So, if you tried your hardest that’s all you can do. There’s lots of support out there for you. No matter your results or situation you find yourself in, you have options.”

Looking ahead to the future

Excited for the future, Nia added: “One of the main reasons I want to stay in education is the opportunity to try new things and immerse myself in different subjects. I’m also really looking forward to meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends at college.”


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