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Frances' story


Keeping her skills current helped Frances move into a new career.

A change in employment

Frances worked in the care industry for over 30 years and held a variety of roles within the sector.

Her most recent role as a care home manager ended in 2020 due to a company restructure. Frances became unemployed for the first time in her career.

Frances was with her employer for 11 years and they gave her three-month’s notice of redundancy. Reflecting on this time, Frances says, “The three-month period meant that I was still earning and even though I was about to lose my job I wanted to continue to provide the same level of care and service, right up until my leave date.”

Staying up to date

Keeping current and upskilling is important to Frances in all areas of her life.

Throughout her career Frances has kept on learning and ensures she regularly attends training courses. These have included management training, coaching and mentoring, NVQ assessing and business studies.

Frances says, “Whilst in work and in my private life, I’ve always been keen to learn new skills. I think it’s vital to keep yourself current as it enables you to become better at your job, gives a sense of achievement and ultimately reflects on your employer”.

Getting support from Working Wales

Once Frances was officially unemployed, she started to apply for jobs, but wasn’t having any success.

Frances says, “I was successful at the application stage and in securing interviews, but I hadn’t yet been offered anything.”

It was at this point that a friend, who works for the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) recommended Working Wales. She told her about the support that Working Wales offers around redundancy and unemployment.

Frances says, “It sounded like it was worth a phone call. The adviser went through my options and helped me access the relevant support packages available to me, including financial support. The whole process was quick and easy to follow.”

A positive mindset and moving on to a new job

With support from Working Wales combined with a positive and upbeat outlook, Frances was successful in getting a new job as a mental health advocate.

Talking about the job, Frances says, “It’s a very worthwhile and rewarding role and isn’t too far from my experiences in care. It’s one of the best places that I have ever worked”.

Looking back on her time job searching, Frances says, “I firmly believe that nothing lasts forever or likewise stays the same, and that we need to work for our independence and pay our way, as much as we are able. It was really important for me to keep that in mind whilst I was searching for a new job”.

In her new job Frances has also successfully completed a Level 4 City & Guilds in Advocacy so is still learning and gaining qualifications.

Frances says, “It is possible to move on from becoming unemployed, there are opportunities out there. I should have made the change sooner”.

If you’re aged 16 or over and would like to explore your opportunities with a careers adviser, please contact the Working Wales team by calling free on 0800 028 4844, emailing or through our live chat.


Career review

Need help with changing your career? Working Wales can help you discover the path that's right for you. Book a free career review.