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Cerys' story

Cerys sat down smiling at the camera in front of open blinds

After leaving school, Cerys Beckinsale, 16, from Port Talbot, hopes to go to college.

She plans to complete a two-year level three qualification in Health and Social Care. She then wants to go to university to become a midwife.

Inspired by her family

Cerys said: “I’ve always loved looking after younger children. I grew up in a large foster family with 11 brothers and sisters. I’ve also developed an interest in how children develop their unique personalities. The thought of bringing life into the world is what most inspires me.”

Staying positive on results day

Like many, Cerys found revising during the pandemic a challenge.

She explained: “I found it hard to stay motivated with my revision, especially with subjects like maths and science. They come less naturally to me.

"Going into my first exams, it made me very nervous about how I’d cope being so far out my comfort zone. Thankfully, I managed to overcome this, and things felt much better with each exam.”

Accessing career support

“My advice for other young people in Wales is to stay positive and try not to worry too much. Whatever the outcome, there will always be options out there for you.

“I’ve had lots of support from my school and my careers advisers. They helped me to believe in myself and have given me brilliant guidance about my future.

“I knew I wanted to become a midwife and my Working Wales advisers gave me a step-by-step plan to reach my goal. They helped me understand which subjects I needed to focus on, and what qualifications and grades I need.

“Whether you know what you want to do or you don't, you should speak to Working Wales.”


College and 6th form

Learn what to expect at college or sixth form - what financial help you could get, what careers different courses lead to and more.

Jobs Growth Wales+

Aged 16-19? Get training, work experience and paid job opportunities to help you make your own future on your own terms.

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Real life stories

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