Amelia discovered her passion for accountancy thanks to Working Wales.
At the start of year 13, Amelia didn't know what she wanted to do. Her friends had all applied for university, but she didn’t share the same excitement about it.
A familiar face in school, Amelia went to see Claire, her school’s careers adviser.
Amelia said, “Lots of my friends in school recommended I talk to Claire”.
Uncovering interests
“I was studying business, maths and IT but I didn’t know what career options were out there for me.”
Claire sat down with Amelia to look at what subjects she enjoyed and where they could take her.
“She showed me the Careers Wales website to see what options there were. We even looked at job descriptions on recruitment websites to see what I would enjoy”.
The apprenticeship route
Amelia didn’t want to continue in a school environment and liked the learning and earning element of an apprenticeship.
“I’d had years of theory in schools, and I felt I needed the mix of theory and practical that an apprenticeship offers. Where you can put what you learn straight into practice”.
Finding the right fit
Amelia attended a careers event where Claire introduced her to Bridgend Council. Amelia learnt more about their accounting apprenticeship. She applied and was offered a start.
Knowing more now about what she wanted, Amelia then went away to do her own research. She found an apprenticeship with Audit Wales. Her application was successful and with Claire's help, she chose the Audit Wales opportunity.
Future steps
In her current role, Amelia is guaranteed to achieve Levels 2, 3 and 4 in accounting. There is also an opportunity to gain a place on Audit Wales’s graduate programme if she excels at her Level 4.
Excited for what’s to come, Amelia added, “I’d like to stay with the company after my apprenticeship, but whatever happens, I’d like to use the qualifications I’m getting to go as far as I can”.

Whether you are finding your way in the world of work, or taking steps towards a career change, an apprenticeship could be for you.

A guaranteed offer of support for 16 to 24 year olds in Wales to gain a place in education or training, find a job or become self-employed. Feed your positivity with the Young Person’s Guarantee.
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