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Jobs Growth Wales Plus Employment

Fast forward to landing a job with Jobs Growth Wales+. Happy young male sat in an office chair

Want some help to get into work?

If you know what you want to do and you’re actively looking and ready to start work, this strand of Jobs Growth Wales+ can help you get a job.

You’ll work closely with your Jobs Growth Wales+ provider who will find you a quality job opportunity with a local employer. You’ll be part of a company, fully signed up to the terms and conditions of the employer you are placed with and get paid.

Employers receive a wage subsidy from the Welsh Government to help pay your salary for the first six months. So, Jobs Growth Wales+ is an attractive programme for employers to get involved with – helping to create more job opportunities to get you into work.

What happens on the Employment strand of Jobs Growth Wales+?

You’ll agree your Individual Learning Plan with your Jobs Growth Wales+ provider who will use this to arrange the support you need to secure a job.

Activities could include all or a combination of the following:

  • Work-related preparation such as essential skills and what to expect when you get a job
  • Support to build your confidence and improve your interview techniques
  • Help to find and apply for jobs
  • Coaching and mentoring during the first six months of your employment so you can continue to grow and develop your skills

Your Jobs Growth Wales+ provider will support you to ensure that you receive all the help you need.

How much will you get paid?

On this strand of Jobs Growth Wales+ you can receive a training allowance of up to £60 per week whilst you are looking for a job.

You must attend for a minimum of 16 hours per week. However, the full £60 training allowance will only be paid if you attend for 30 hours or more in any 7-day period. The amount of training allowance you receive will depend on the number of hours you participate.

When you get a job, instead of a training allowance you’ll earn a proper salary paid at least at National Minimum Wage.

When you’re on the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme you will also build up annual leave each month without it affecting your training allowance or salary.

Watch the video

Contact us to apply for Jobs Growth Wales+

We will talk with you about your goals and if Jobs Growth Wales+ is right for you, we’ll refer you on to the programme.

Get in touch by phone, email, or webchat:

0800 028 4844


You can also request a call back at a time that suits you.


Kieran's story

Kieran has found a career he loves and is training to be a restaurant manager.

Derw's story

Derw supported into full-time employment in dream industry.

Dom's story

Dom gained valuable experience through hands-on learning.

More information

Jobs Growth Wales Plus

Jobs Growth Wales+ is a training and development programme for 16-19 year olds that gives you the skills, qualifications and experience you need to get a job or further training.