Considering a career change but not sure where to start? Begin by booking a free career review.
What is a career review?
A career review can help you to start exploring your ideas and think about new possibilities, whatever your age or reason for a career change, which could include:
- Looking for a better work-life balance
- Planning a return to work after having cared for others
- Nearing retirement and concerned about finance or not wanting to stop work completely
- Career progression
- Working in a shrinking sector and needing to diversify
- A change in health
- Wanting to make a dream career a reality
- Making a hobby into a career
Whatever your circumstances, our experienced and professionally trained careers advisers can provide free and impartial careers guidance and coaching. Together, we can talk through your options to start making changes in your career.
We can help with:
- Discussing your ideas
- Identifying your transferable skills and experiences to take forward to a new career
- Sourcing funding for training if you need to enhance your skills and qualifications
- Providing you with labour market information (LMI) to see jobs and careers that are in demand
- Job matching – linking you up with employers local to you that might need your skills, qualifications or experience
- Giving direct access to a range of jobs local to you, through our weekly job bulletin
- Finding and applying for jobs including help with CVs, and application forms
- Interview tips and techniques
- Identifying and helping you to access a package of support
Tools to help you get started
Keen to get moving now? You don’t have to wait for your career review to start exploring your next steps. Discover tools and useful information to get you started.
Explore career options

Steps to take towards changing your career.

Find out what a job involves, what it pays, how to get in, future demand, and more.

Find job ideas that match your skills and interests.
Update your skills

Get funding for training with a Personal Learning Account.

ReAct+ offers tailored solutions which includes financial support for vocational skills training and training-related expenses to help remove barriers to employment.

Use our course search to find a course that's right for you. Includes part time courses, short courses and community learning.
Look for work

Help with writing a CV, covering letters, interview techniques, finding jobs and more.

Wondering what's out there? Discover employers who are recruiting now.

Subscribe to our job bulletin and receive hundreds of live vacancies across Wales, straight to your inbox.
Get more support

Pros and cons of self-employment and where to get further support with setting up a business.

Find out about support to help you into work if you are disabled or have a health condition.

Search for programmes that can help you improve your skills and work opportunities.
Get inspired
See how real people around Wales have changed their career.

Peter uses life experiences to start reshaping his career.

A career review helped Ian move into a new job following redundancy.

Lia needed support to find a new job that allowed a flexible work-life balance.

Lee accessed a career review to help him with his transition from the military.

Careers support helped Natalie to turn her childhood passion into a career reality in her fifties.