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Sue's story


Sue is thriving in her career change.

Facing unemployment

Sue, from Wrexham, enjoyed a 10-year career within the events industry as an events co-ordinator. Sue was made redundant in spring 2021 because of Covid-19 restrictions to venues and gatherings.

Redundancy made Sue very unsure of her career prospects and how she would get a new job.

Sue said, “Losing a stable job that I enjoyed and had been in for so long was a real knock to my confidence. The job market had changed so much, and I didn’t know how to get involved again. It was a tough time for me”.

Awareness of Working Wales and accessing careers support

While applying for jobseeker’s allowance, Sue’s Jobcentre Plus Adviser told her about the support available from Working Wales. Sue found out that Working Wales could advise her on her career direction and next steps.

Sue got in touch via the telephone helpline. She then attended face-to-face meetings in the Wrexham Careers Wales centre.

Sue worked with careers adviser Suzanne Richards and accessed a range of support. This included careers guidance, CV support, interview techniques and job searching.

Sue was also put forward for a community programme that provides coaching to develop skills and boost chances of getting a new job.

Talking about the sessions, Sue said, “They were useful in helping me streamline my skills. I wanted to get another job, but I just didn’t feel I had the right skills, and I was struggling to sell myself to employers”.

Making a career change

Working together, Sue and her careers adviser agreed that a role in logistics and operations would be a good fit. This would build on her past work experience.

Sue went on to be offered three different positions. She accepted a job as a transport administrator for Phoenix Health Care, a national pharmaceutical wholesaler. Sue started her new role in July 2021. Within two years, Sue has already been promoted within the organisation to the role of transport supervisor.

Talking about the support that she received from Working Wales, Sue says, “It has helped me recognise and highlight my skills and kept me going and motivated at a difficult time. I became determined to get myself back into work and I am so much more confident and capable at my job”.

Sue added, “My careers adviser went above and beyond for me and I am so grateful for her support. I would recommend Working Wales to anyone at a crossroads in their career”.

If you’re aged 16 or over and would like to explore your opportunities with a careers adviser, please contact the Working Wales team by calling free on 0800 028 4844, emailing or through our live chat.


Frances' story

Keeping her skills current helped Frances move into a new career.

Career review

Need help with changing your career? Working Wales can help you discover the path that's right for you. Book a free career review.