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Eiry's story


Eiry was supported by her careers adviser to get the training and confidence she needed to set up her own floristry business.

Facing redundancy

Eiry was unexpectedly made redundant from her job at a florist. She’d been a florist for over 20 years and had developed a passion for her work.

The redundancy impacted Eiry’s mental health and left her wondering what to do next.

She said: “My confidence was knocked, and I didn’t know what would be best for me to do next.”

After a chance meeting with Careers Wales in her local library, Eiry booked to see a careers adviser.

Finding her feet

Eiry met with Careers Adviser Shan Thomas to help her with her next steps. Together they explored her options, including training and employment opportunities.

Through guidance and coaching Shan helped Eiry gain the confidence to go back into floristry – but this time, by setting up her own business.

They found the ideal floristry course in the Cotswolds that would help Eiry enhance her existing skills.

With Shan’s assistance, Eiry applied for the ReAct+ programme to fund the training course and help get her off to the best start.

Starting a business

Speaking about the training course, Eiry said: “It rebuilt my confidence straight away. I came away feeling ready to look at starting my own business.

“It totally changed my floristry and I felt empowered with the knowledge that I have now.”

Eiry went on to set up Lilibet Florist, a bilingual local floristry service in Llanelli, which is now going from strength to strength.

The final step

Whilst developing the business, Eiry felt she needed another source of income. She went back to Shan who helped her look for part-time work that would fit alongside her floristry work.

Eiry successfully applied for a shop assistant role at a local family business, 925 Treats.

She said: “They’ve been so friendly and welcoming, and boosted my confidence even further.

“I feel totally different. People have seen the stress lifted from me.

“What a difference a year has made. It was such a hard time but, in a way, it was the best thing that happened to me.”

If like Eiry, you’ve been affected by redundancy and feel you need redundancy support or access to training and upskilling please visit Redundancy Support or contact us.


ReAct Plus

ReAct+ offers tailored solutions which includes financial support for vocational skills training and training-related expenses to help remove barriers to employment.

Redundancy Support

Find out about the redundancy support available to you in Wales. Get help with how to move on from redundancy with confidence.

Speak to a careers adviser

Find out about the different ways to get in touch