If you want to take charge of your own future, have a business idea, skills, or a social purpose you’d like to explore, starting your own business can give you the freedom to express your creativity and create your own destiny.
Are you are looking to freelance, start a part time hobby business or have an innovative new product or service to launch? Get advice and support to talk through the processes, challenges, and build your knowledge and networks. These steps can double your chances of creating a sustainable business venture.
If you’re thinking of starting your own business and you’re aged 25 or under, then get the help you need through Big Ideas Wales.
Run by the Welsh Government as part of the Business Wales service we can provide the right support, information, and advice to help you become self-employed or start your own business:
- Hear from other entrepreneurs in Wales who share their stories. Find out what it’s like to start your own business, through workshops and experiences led by entrepreneurs. This can help you to explore enterprise and develop your business ideas
- Explore more about yourself with useful digital guides, tools and learning modules to improve your business knowledge
- Get in touch with our network of local enterprise champions at every College and University across Wales. They can help you get involved in enterprise experiences, support your ambitions and transition from education into self-employment
- Access business webinars and intensive support to develop your business idea and plan for your business. This includes a dedicated one-to-one business advisor and entrepreneur mentor that can support you in setting up your business
- Work with your adviser for ongoing support from Business Wales to access investment, start-up loans and advisory services for all your start up needs from dealing with paperwork, employing people, financial management or digital capabilities
- Peer learning through a community of young entrepreneurs and our enterprise hub network
- Join like-minded young entrepreneurs on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels
Big Ideas Wales can help you learn about business, develop your ideas and decide if running your own business is right for you.
For support to help you turn your business idea into a reality, visit Big Ideas Wales or call 03000 6 03000 and ask about the Young Person’s Guarantee for self-employment.

View the pros and cons of starting a business and where to find support to set up a business.
Search for programmes that can help you improve your skills and opportunities