What does net zero mean for your career and skills development?
Net zero in Wales is the goal to achieve a balance between the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. All jobs will change to meet our net zero goals.
We want to help you develop the right skills, and make you aware of employment and training options that will help support our net zero targets. Many organisations need employees with net zero skills so demand is on the rise.
Contact us at Working Wales to help you understand your options, including:
- The type of career you want
- Upskilling or retraining you might need, and funding to achieve it
- Understanding how your job impacts on the climate emergency
- Knowing what industries are doing to meet the challenges
- Identifying new job roles and growing jobs
Support available
Whether you are just starting out, employed or unemployed, working Wales is here to help and support you with your career needs. Take a look at what we have to offer.
Upskill through a Green Personal Learning Account
Personal Learning Accounts (PLAs) are designed to help working people retrain or upskill in a flexible way.
The Welsh Government’s new Green PLA pilot provides free, flexible courses and qualifications but with no cap on how much you earn. This is to encourage people like you to refresh your skills in specific sectors like manufacturing, engineering, construction, and the energy industry.
Explore Apprenticeship opportunities
Apprenticeships are a great way to upskill by learning and working at the same time.

Earn a wage while you work and gain recognised qualifications and job-specific skills.

Search and apply for apprenticeships in Wales.

Discover some of the larger employers in Wales who take on apprentices.
Upskill through React+
If your job has been made redundant you could be eligible to receive tailored support to get you back into employment in the shortest time possible.
Future Jobs Wales
Explore the future of jobs in Wales. More industries will be added soon so keep checking for updates.
Success stories across Wales
Take a look at a few of the ways people are already getting the education and training they need to contribute to net zero. Get inspiration to make your own decisions on your future career path or upskilling opportunities.
View Net Zero skills case studies on the Welsh Government website.
Further developments
The Welsh Government are creating further resources to support you including:
- Working closely with sectors to understand their pathway to net zero and what this means for skills and jobs
- Developing web content to provide you with practical examples, by sector, and highlighting a range of options available to you
Useful links
Net Zero Skills Wales on the Welsh Government website
Find out about the different ways to get in touch